
1. Design Principles#

We abstract a CRS model to two levels as shown in the main figure:

  • Module Level: we typically provide a rectbot.BaseModule for making recommendations and another rectbot.BaseModule for generating natural-language responses, we can further introduce processor rectbot.BaseModule to extract important information (e.g., entity linking) from users’ raw features;

  • Pipeline Level: we treat a rectbot.BasePipline is a high-level manager to decide when and how to call the lowe-level modules, and how to combine the results from such modules.

By default, all the modules are communicating in natural-language (e.g., text data) formats, which is the key to make all the modules as replaceable as possible; we still expose low-level methods for developers to define module communications via tensor data in a flexible and differentiable way.

2. Features#

With the seamless compatibility of the Huggingface, stemming from our design principles to “let modules communicate in natural language” while “exposing low-level APIs to users”, RecWizard shows the following properties:

  • Modular: CRS model = (lower) module level + (higher) pipline level.

  • Portable: Share or load CRS modules and pipelines from Huggingface Hub!

  • Interactive: Chat with CRS models via our interactive interfaces.

  • LLMs-Friendly: Implemented LLMs as different roles in CRS models.

3. FAQs#