2. INFO Mode#

In this mode, users can normally chat with the system asking for natural language responses or recommended items from the RecWizard model.

2.1. When To Use#

  • Case 1: Demonstrating the final RecWizard model;

  • Case 2: Inviting users for human evaluation.

2.2. How To Use#

2.2.1. Chatting

The chatting feature in this mode allows users to engage in interactive conversations with our recwizard model by simply typing in their messages.

If the users need to explicitly mention some items, for example, a movie. The way to do so is type in the item name with the <entity> paired labels. For example, <entity> The Matrix </entity>.

2.2.2. Histories Exportation

Our users can also export the conversational recommendation histories, for example, after exportaion, sharing the chat logs, the recommended items, and the user feedbacks with others for further analysis.