2. NEW Recommender#

A NEW recommender can be used individually in this way:

2.1. Raw text input and output#

System: Hello!<sep>
User: Hi. I like horror movies, such as <entity>The Shining (1980)</entity> and <entity>Annabelle (2014)</entity>.
Would you please recommend me some other movies?
['21 Bridges (2019)', 'The Conjuring (2013)', 'The Exorcist (1973)']

2.2. Tensor input and output#

# inputs
{'input_ids': tensor([[1, 2]]), 'attention_mask': tensor([[True, True]])}
# logits
tensor([[ 4.3385,  7.7007,  6.6780, -1.6603, -1.5623,  3.8379,  2.0713,  0.2687]], grad_fn=<SumBackward1>)

2.3. Implementation of NEW recommender#

2.3.1. Recommender Configuration: NEWRecConfig

from recwizard.configuration_utils import BaseConfig

class NEWRecConfig(BaseConfig):
    """Configuration class to sotre the
    configuration of the NEW recommender."""

    def __init__(self, n_items: int = None, dim: int = None, **kwargs):

        self.n_items = n_items
        self.dim = dim

# use it!
config = NEWRecConfig(n_items=8, dim=10)

2.3.2. Recommender Tokenizer: NEWRecTokenizer

from typing import List

from recwizard.tokenizer_utils import BaseTokenizer
from recwizard.utility.utils import WrapSingleInput

class NEWRecTokenizer(BaseTokenizer):
    """Tokenizer class for the NEW recommender."""

    def decode(self, ids, *args, **kwargs) -> List[str]:
        """Decode a list of token ids into a list of strings.
            ids (List[int]): list of token ids to decode;
            List[str]: list of decoded strings;
        return [self.id2entity[id] for id in ids if id in self.id2entity]

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Tokenize a string into a list of token ids."""
        kwargs.update(return_tensors="pt", padding=True, truncation=True)
        return super().__call__(*args, **kwargs)

# use it!
tokenizer = NEWRecTokenizer(id2entity={
    0: '21 Bridges (2019)',
    1: 'The Shining (1980)',
    2: 'Annabelle (2014)',
    3: 'The Conjuring (2013)',
    4: 'The Exorcist (1973)',
    5: 'The Conjuring 2 (2016)',
    6: 'The Nun (2018)',
    7: 'X men (2019)',

3.3.3. Recommender Module: NewRec

import torch

from recwizard.module_utils import BaseModule
from transformers.utils import ModelOutput

class NEWRec(BaseModule):
    """NEW is a module that implements the NEW recommender."""

    config_class = NEWRecConfig
    tokenizer_class = NEWRecTokenizer

    def __init__(self, config: NEWRecConfig, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(config, **kwargs)

        self.embeds = torch.nn.Embedding(config.n_items, config.dim)

    def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask=None):
        """Forward pass of the NEW recommender."""

        embeds = self.embeds(input_ids)
        avg_embeds = embeds.sum(dim=1) / (attention_mask.sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True) + 1e-8)
        logits = (self.embeds.weight * avg_embeds.unsqueeze(1)).sum(dim=-1)
        return ModelOutput({"rec_logits": logits})

    def response(self, raw_input, tokenizer, return_dict=False, topk=3):
        """Generate response from the NEW recommender."""

        # convert text input to tensor input
        entities = tokenizer(raw_input)['entities'].to(self.device)
        inputs = {
            "input_ids": entities,
            "attention_mask": entities != tokenizer.pad_entity_id,

        # recommend top-k items
        logits = self.forward(**inputs)["rec_logits"]
        print(inputs, logits)
        logits[torch.arange(logits.size(0)), entities] = float("-inf")
        recommended = logits.topk(topk).indices.tolist()
        output = tokenizer.batch_decode(recommended)

        # return the output
        if return_dict:
            return {
                "output": output,
                "input": raw_input,
                "recommended": recommended
        return output

# use it!

model = NEWRec(config)

query = ('System: Hello!'
        '<sep>User: Hi. I like horror movies, such as <entity>The Shining (1980)</entity> and <entity>Annabelle (2014)</entity>.'
        'Would you please recommend me some other movies?'

resp = model.response(

The complete implementation is in examples/develop_model/new_recommender.py.