import torch
from recwizard import BaseModule
from .configuration_redial_rec import RedialRecConfig
from .tokenizer_redial_rec import RedialRecTokenizer
from .hrnn_for_classification import HRNNForClassification
from .autorec import AutoRec
from recwizard.utility import WrapSingleInput, DeviceManager
from recwizard.modules.monitor import monitor
import torch
[docs]class RedialRec(BaseModule):
config_class = RedialRecConfig
tokenizer_class = RedialRecTokenizer
LOAD_SAVE_IGNORES = {"sentiment_analysis.encoder.base_encoder", }
[docs] def __init__(self, config: RedialRecConfig, recommend_new_movies=True, **kwargs):
super().__init__(config, **kwargs)
self.n_movies = config.n_movies
self.recommend_new_movies = recommend_new_movies
self.sentiment_analysis = HRNNForClassification(**config.sa_params)
self.recommender = AutoRec(**config.autorec_params, n_movies=self.n_movies)
# freeze sentiment analysis
for param in self.sentiment_analysis.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
[docs] def forward(self,
input_ids: (batch, max_conv_length, max_utt_length)
attention_mask: (batch, max_conv_length, max_utt_length)
senders: (batch, max_conv_length)
movieIds: (batch, max_conv_length, max_n_movies)
conversation_lengths: (batch)
movie_occurrences: (batch, max_conv_length, max_utterance_length)
(batch_size, max_conv_length, n_movies_total) movie preferences
if movieIds.numel() > 0:
i_liked = self.sentiment_analysis(input_ids, attention_mask, senders, movie_occurrences,
i_liked = torch.zeros(input_ids.shape[0], 0, self.n_movies, device=self.device)
batch_size, max_conv_length = input_ids.shape[:2]
indices = [(i, j) # i-th conversation in the batch, j-th movie in the conversation
for (i, conv_movie_occurrences) in enumerate(movie_occurrences)
for j in range(len(conv_movie_occurrences))
autorec_input = torch.zeros(batch_size, max_conv_length, self.n_movies, device=self.device)
for i in range(batch_size):
for j in range(len(movieIds[i])):
mask = movie_occurrences[i][j].sum(dim=1).cumsum(dim=0) > 0
autorec_input[i, :len(mask), movieIds[i][j]] = mask * i_liked[i][j][:len(mask)]
recs = self.recommender(autorec_input, additional_context=None, range01=False)
# The default recommender is not language_aware_recommender. So we omit the additional_context
if self.recommend_new_movies:
for batchId, j in indices:
# (max_conv_length) mask that zeros out once the movie has been mentioned
mask = torch.sum(movie_occurrences[batchId][j], dim=1) > 0
# mask = mask.cumsum(dim=0) == 0
# recs[batchId, :, movieIds[batchId][j]] = mask * recs[batchId, :, movieIds[batchId][j]]
# FIXED: the recs are negative, applying zero mask is raising the probability!
mask = mask.cumsum(dim=0) > 0
recs[batchId, :, movieIds[batchId][j]] -= mask * 1e10
return recs
def response(self, raw_input, tokenizer, return_dict=False, topk=3, **kwargs):
tokenized_input = DeviceManager.copy_to_device(tokenizer(raw_input).data, device=self.device)
logits = self.forward(**tokenized_input)
movieIds = logits.topk(k=topk, dim=-1).indices[:, -1,
:].tolist() # selects the recommendation for the last sentence
output = tokenizer.batch_decode(movieIds)
if return_dict:
return {
'logits': logits,
'movieIds': movieIds,
'output': output,
return output